Adult Bullying

Encountering bullies is not confined to childhood; it extends into adulthood, manifesting in various ways such as intimidating bosses, controlling partners, unruly neighbors, or condescending family members.

The Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) in the United States has conducted research indicating that around 19% of adult Americans have personally experienced workplace bullying, and an additional 19% have witnessed it. In other contexts, such as social or community settings, the prevalence of adult bullying may be lower, but it still occurs. Cyberbullying among adults is also a growing concern as online interactions become more prevalent.

Adult bullying in social situations can manifest subtly or overtly through various forms, including:

  • Exclusion and Social Isolation:
    • Purposefully excluding someone from social activities or events.
    • Ignoring or avoiding the presence of an individual within a group.
  • Gossip and Rumors:
    • Spreading false or damaging information about someone.
    • Engaging in gossip with the intention of harming a person's reputation.
  • Mockery and Ridicule:
    • Making sarcastic or demeaning comments about someone in public or private.
    • Ridiculing a person's appearance, behaviors, or personal characteristics.
  • Undermining and Criticism:
    • Consistently criticizing and undermining someone's ideas, opinions, or contributions.
    • Dismissing or belittling the achievements or successes of another person.
  • Manipulation and Control:
    • Attempting to control or manipulate social dynamics to isolate or disadvantage someone.
    • Using emotional manipulation to exploit vulnerabilities or insecurities.
  • Cyberbullying:
    • Harassing or spreading rumors about someone through online platforms.
    • Engaging in online behavior with the intent to harm or humiliate.
  • Public Humiliation:
    • Making derogatory remarks about someone in front of others.
    • Using public spaces or social events to embarrass or shame an individual.
  • Passive Aggressive Behavior:
    • Behaving in a friendly manner while subtly undermining or sabotaging someone.
    • Expressing hostility indirectly through sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or silent treatment.
  • Intimidation and Threats:
    • Using intimidation tactics, such as aggressive body language or verbal threats.
    • Creating a sense of fear or apprehension through implied or explicit threats.
  • Control of Information:
    • Withholding information that is relevant to a person's social inclusion.
    • Controlling the narrative to manipulate others' perceptions of an individual.
  • For victims of adult bullying:
    • Choose battles wisely based on the frequency and severity of bullying.
    • Maintain eye contact to influence empathy.
    • Create distance by relocating or minimizing interactions.
    • Document offenses for potential complaints or reports.
  • If witnessing adult bullying:
    • Directly question the bully's behavior.
    • Use humor to change the conversation.
    • Recognize the power of unity by collectively expressing disagreement.
    • Accompany the person being bullied to de-escalate potential interactions.
    • Privately check in with the individual facing bullying, express disagreement, and show support.
  • For perpetrators:
    • Consider seeking emotional support or therapy, acknowledging potential past traumas.

Adult bullying's impact can be significant, causing feelings of isolation, anxiety, and diminished self-esteem. Creating awareness, promoting open communication, and fostering a culture of respect can help prevent and address adult bullying in social settings.
