Members track progress, build healthy habits, get real-time help, as well as read and share resources and stories.
When we meet people where they are, providing non-judgmental connections and community resources, we can improve — and even save — lives. Companion and Bridge work together to do just that.

Counselors and staff prioritize care, personalize support, and share resources. Bridge provides integration with electronic health records and billing management platforms.
Technology + community connection = healing.
Underserved communities often lack culturally and ethnically specific behavioral healthcare. Pathfinder provides the framework to specifically address this. The Pathfinder platform tethers experiences together for your members, your staff, and your community.
- Member connections happen through content sourced from the Pathfinder team and partners, as well as your surrounding community.
- Members have access to chat (peer-to-peer and peer-to-clinician), online check-ins, local resources, and more.
- We work with your organization to build your process and staff to your capacity.
- Your organization and clinical providers easily get the data they need to assess and prioritize care, enhancing outcomes.

"It’s powerful to be able to reach out to a member to tell them I’m still available if they want to check in. I know members stay or come back to the program because of me being able to reach out to them to see how they’re doing."
- Counselor

"Follow-through is so important, and daily check-ins give members the motivation they need to follow through. I know they’re checking in for themselves, not me."
- Peer

"One of the unique — and wonderful — things about Pathfinder is our ability to try different pathways to our process until we get it right. We test different workflows, engagement strategies, and outcomes. We can track it all and arrive at what works best for our members."
- Clinical Supervisor
Request a demo today.
To learn more, schedule a 30-minute demo of our software + app solution and meet the team who passionately supports the Pathfinder mission.